The Travelling Souk gifts for every occasion
The Travelling Souk one of the most extensive gift websites available online have been seen in many well-known and famous newspapers and magazines in the UK. The Travelling Souk carefully select vendors using strict criteria ensuring excellent quality products and service ethics are upheld at all times. They have thousands of unique gifts and unusual gifts to choose from.
The Travelling Souk is well known for their unusual and handmade products most of which you will not find on the high street making them exclusive to The Travelling Souk.
Gifts for every occasion wedding, baby christening, special birthdays, home and garden, kids toys, clothing and jewellery, you will find something for everyone on The Travelling Souk.
Great children’s gift ideas from The Travelling Souk
Childs Play.... there is a child in each one of us. Even as adults we long to re-visit those childhood moments and special memories. What better way than to re live this with your child with a fabulous bright Kids teepee. Role play with your kids by pretending you are camping in their bedroom or the living room.
With padded quilted floor mat and cushions make camping comfy and fun. This teepee is spacious allowing lots of kids to play inside and a few adults as well.
Visit us at for other Childrens gift ideas