Release your emotions with a sacred spot massage
Tantric Journey Deep Body Work for emotional release for Emotional Detox on Cellular Memory
Using my Tantric massage techniques for the Sacred Spot massage or G Spot massage, I have been able to witness women cure themselves of the most traumatic seated feelings that taunt them regardless of the time of occurrence of these emotions. Some have been able to shed layer by layer through emotional release as the Sacred Spot massage or G Spot massage removes negative emotions on the basis of cellular memory for emotional detox. These deeply seated emotions lurk in the body making one repeat negative lifestyle patterns even though one mentally claims that the ‘baggage’ has been filed to the mental ‘recycle bin’.
On Approaching A Theory of Emotion: An Interview With Candace Pert, Ph.D By Lynn Grodzki, Fellow, ’For the past twenty years, Pert has been studying the movement of amino acid chains in the human body. In the process, she is unraveling the mystery of mind-body communication and changing forever the way we understand emotion’.
My Scared Spot massage or G Spot massage for emotional release and emotional detox reprograms the negative state of the body cells to a positive state. And my work can be supported by Candace Pert’s research and study.
When Grodzki asked Pert,’ So we are programmed to be able to repeat emotional experience and we can access it through the body in many ways. What happens to emotions that are not able to be fully expressed?’.
Pert replied,’ I have a whole theory about this. I believe that emotion is not fully expressed until it reaches consciousness. When I speak of consciousness, I include the entire body. I believe that unexpressed emotion is in process of traveling up the neural access. By traveling, I mean coming from the periphery, up the spinal cord, up into the brain. When emotion moves up, it can be expressed. It takes a certain amount of energy from our bodies to keep the emotion unexpressed. There are inhibitory chemicals and impulses that function to keep the emotion and information down. I think unexpressed emotions are literally lodged lower in the body’.
My Sacred Spot massage or G Spot massage for ‘emotional release ‘as I call it for emotional detox works around the seven Chakra frame. And second lowest Chakra is the Lower Abdomen Chakra that is the center for sexual energy, creativity and pure emotions. And the first lower Chakra is the Root Chakra that links the individual with the physical world giving a sense of safety and belonging. An imbalance in both can have life deteriorating patterns.