SWYX the award winning business VoIP system
Cloud Storage is a facility whereby data is stored, backed-up, managed and maintained remotely. This type of services enables its users to then store their files online and access that data from any where in the world, as long as there is an internet connection. Recent studies show that not only are large corporations and business fully utilising this service, but so too are small and medium business owners, due to the competitive advantages that this remote access solution provides to their companies. Advantages include accessibility at any time (no down time), disaster recovery in emergency situations, ensuring full on-going safety of all files and data at a fraction of the usual data storage costs.
With more than 15 years in the business experience Knowall IT offers our clients the latest of technological advances which ensures that your business will always be at your fingertips. In an era of constantly changing technology, Knowall IT offers Sage Cloud Hosting which is the most advanced and latest technology which allows you multiple points of access to your data, from multiple devices, across any operating system, at any time or place.
Small and medium-sized companies can further benefit from the wealth of expertise and experience these technological advances in their organisations using SWYX. SWYX is a VoIP system with the capacity to integrate all of your devices at reduced call charges, tailor-made to your business needs. SWYX is an award-winning integrated communication solution which means that your staff are guaranteed to be able to make and receive calls from any location no matter which time of the day, keeping your business up and running at all times, whether staff are at their desktops or not.. . the most powerful communication tool your business will ever invest in, contact Knowall IT for more information.
React quickly and simplify technology with Knowall IT
Everything you need to run your business. All in one place
Sage Cloud is a good solution for businesses that need real-time access from multiple locations with the entire functionality of full desktop versions of Sage Cloud.
Sage Cloud assists businesses with the ability to access this powerful system in the cloud from any device connected to the internet and from anywhere.
Guaranteed Performance SSD Caching Enhanced Security
Always Available Simple to Scale Anytime Anywhere Access
Hosted Sage in the Cloud provides customers with an alternative deployment solution to the in-house model.
Hosting is designed through a consultative approach to ensure your data and applications are delivered quickly, securely and simply, to your users world-wide. Hosted Sage and other Line of Business applications on Knowall’s UK Enterprise Cloud Platform, ensures your data and applications are available 24x7 to your users, no matter the location or device.
Knowall IT has been hosting Sage 50, 200, Payroll & ACT since 2005 on its data centre platform. Enabling UK businesses to access Sage products from home, offices or abroad, on PCs, Macs, Tablets or Smart Phones.