Tantric Massage for Women
Many People consider Tantric Massage to be something that is for men, but authentic Tantric Massage for Women is something that can offer deep and transformative healing for mind, body and soul.
Tantric Journey, based in central London offers Tantric massage in London for women and Yoni massage as part of its Tantra treatment plan that includes, Tantric massage for women, professional bodywork and emotional release to help clients discover and develop their sexuality, release stagnant, negative emotions, provide sexual healing in order to start leading and living a blissfully orgasmic life.
Tantric Journey’s London practice is one of the oldest authentic Tantric practices in London and the UK and is dedicated specifically to Tantric massage for women and Yoni massages. If you book a Tantric Massage for Women at Tantric Journey you can be assured that you will be attending a safe, professional practice and that the therapist will be highly skilled and that your Tantric Massage for Women will be conducted in a beautiful and relaxing Tantra Temple Space that is dedicated for performing Tantric Massage for women.
If you are a woman looking for an authentic Tantric massage, with Tantric Journey you are assured to benefit from well over twenty years of experience in the field of female sexuality, Tantra and pioneering emotional release techniques.
Receiving an authentic Tantric Massage for Women from a trained Tantric Journey Practitioner is a truly healing and transformative experience. A true Tantric Massage for Women is an experience that can be compared to no other holistic therapy; it is a unique treatment that when carried out by an experienced, dedicated and authentic Tantric Practitioner can yield extraordinary healing results. Often clients that have received a Tantric Massage for Women from Tantric Journey describe being able to live again and describe feelings of bliss and feeling suddenly returning or entering their bodies and minds for the first time ever.
Tantric Journey – Lingam Massage London
When searching for Lingam Massage London you will want to ensure that you find a qualified and professional Tantric Practitioner. Tantric Journey offers professional and highly skilled lingam massage London.
Lingam massage London is a form of Tantric massage offered as part of Tantric Treatment Plan offered by Tantric Journey. Of course, Lingam massage London is specifically tailored to be highly enjoyable and soothing at the same time.
Lingam Massage London from Tantric Journey helps with problems including
1. Impotence
2. Difficult urination
3. Premature ejaculation
4. Loss of erection
5. Painful intercourse
6. Lower back pain
7. Body alignment and bad posture
8. Strengthening pelvic flow muscles
9. Overall health and Vitality
10. Helps with ejaculatory control, which helps men prolong their lovemaking and satisfy women better
London tantric massage offered by Tantric Journey is not a sexual service, but instead a professional form of holistic healing; for Lingam massage London, when delivered by a qualified tantric practitioner, is rejuvenating for the whole body, mind and spirit.
Do you Have Difficulty Reaching an Orgasm?
Yoni Massage – Unlock your Potential
Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the vagina and represents the sacred space of a woman as the origin of life. Yoni Massage is a Tantric practice that is given as a form of holistic therapy.
Yoni Massage is not given purely as a means of achieving a whole body orgasm, but as a means of bringing strong emotions to the fore as an effective treatment for emotional detoxification.
A skilled Tantric Therapist will use Yoni massage as part of deep bodywork to heal and awaken a woman; facilitating the breakthrough and overcoming of sexual blocks; releasing trapped and obstinate emotions and breaking negative emotional cycles as well as promoting positive mental and physical health.
A Yoni massage when performed by a professional therapist can unblock orgasmic potential and allow a woman to achieve emotional liberation, through emotional detox.
The Western society view of the vagina is that of an area to feel ashamed of, indeed in the West the vagina is seen as a separate, private part to our body and is often a source of embarrassment being referred to as” down there” or our “private parts”, and only referred to in an uncomfortable, self conscious way. The perception is that this part of the body’s only function is that of sexual intercourse or else the birthing of a child.
The vagina is often classified by the West as being tainted and degrading and the very idea of this area being massaged is associated with sexual activity as oppose to the healing and therapeutic treatment that it is. In Tantra the view is very different the Yoni is seen as a sacred part of the body that is to be honoured and respected, but it is also seen as an important part of the woman’s whole body - not a disconnected and separate one. In Tantra practices the yoni is celebrated as the centre of life, unity and intimacy.
Yoni vaginal massage has many benefits and can support a woman in releasing emotional pain that is trapped as a result of sexual trauma, abuse, negative sexual relationships and child birth trauma.
The benefits of the Yoni massage can also help to relieve the symptoms of and alleviate painful menstruation, irregular menstruation, infertility, low sex drive, pain during sexual intercourse; emotional insecurity, fear of intimacy, lack of self respect; lack of trust in relationships, negative body image etc,.
Tantric journey’s aim is to release trapped, obstinate emotions so that you can celebrate life again and bodywork performed during a session is extremely effective in aiding a range of symptoms and illnesses including:
- Loss of interest in sex
- Difficult to experience an orgasm
- Intercourse is painful
- Unable to experience Amrita (ejaculate) and fully let go
- Vaginismus – involuntary vaginal contractions
- Fear of sex, intimacy or love
- Unable to find a suitable partner
- Unable to maintain a long term relationship
- Unable to speak the truth to solve problems
- Feeling insecure, unable to trust, lack confidence
- Unhappy with the body
- Addictions
- Emotional, stress, body aches, insomnia
- Poor menstruation
- Menopause discomfort
- Fertility issues
- Mental depression
- Other sexual dysfunction
In short Yoni Massage is a supportive and emotionally nourishing treatment that can allow a woman to immerse herself into for personal and emotional development through aiding her to release stagnant, negative emotions and revealing, deepening & expanding her ability to experience joy and bliss and lead a positive life.