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Tantric Treatments for Women

The Emotional Detox though Tantra & Tao Bodywork is definitely an upcoming popular outlet to relieve, release and let go but is not a subtle recreational activity to keep one occupied as it reaps untold and bigger benefits.

The Emotional Detox though Tantra & Tao Bodywork workshop by Mal Weeraratne is focused on improving the life condition of an individual and is much more than a quick go – to or pick me up session. The workshop’s aim to navigate back into the root cause of the barrier that holds back an individual from living a life filled with love and positivity. The workshop breaks down limiting beliefs and walls put up by the individual that stop him or her living the best version of themselves. This indeed takes a lot emotional energy, commitment and dedication.

Tantric Journey aim at renewing an individual at a biological level by removing negative emotions in the body and making it positive through yoni massage.  The positivity in a body resonates into all areas of the individual’s life.  This is done through an engineered pioneer technique called Emotional Detox. The body is stripped of its negative emotions (layers) and giving the ability to cultivate positive emotions.

The Tantric Journey Tantric Training Courses are intended to teach people the art of The Emotional Detox though Tantra & Tao Bodywork to become healers just like Mal Weeraratne himself. The gift of healing others is an immense blessing as the joy of healing someone reflects back into your life thus bringing in more love and positivity into your life. Tantric Journey intends to create awareness about the importance and benefits of emotional healing through this Tantric course allowing you to become a Tantra teacher.

Tantra Retreats are becoming popular as the mainstream mind set is willing to overlook Tantra misconceptions. Couples and individuals from the spiritual society are reaching out to these retreats as a form of self-rejuvenation disregarding the possible public negativity accompanied with Tantra. Tantric Journey is holding its third Thailand Tantra retreat this year in December 2016.

As Tantra enthusiast it is good to keep in mind the sole purpose of Tantra is not pleasure.  Pleasure is one of the benefits that Tantra focuses mainly by getting rid of past trauma, unleashing you, finding a connection within yourself and creating connection with others.


What is Yoni vaginal massage?

The Yoni massage in London by Tantric Journey concentrates on the vagina and hence why it is called the vaginal massage in London by Tantric Journey, as it focuses on the female prostrate which is also called the G Spot.  The female prostrate was disregarded until recent research that showed all women do have prostrates that produce female ejaculate and this prostrate is the G – Spot.

Therefore this is how the Yoni massage is applicable for a male too as it focuses on the prostrate to release negative emotions.

A yoni massage maintains the energetic balance of the body that allows to produce positive thoughts, positive emotions and positive life decisions by shedding the negativity in the body. The body’s valence is changed from negative to positive improving overall health (emotional, physical and psychological = mind, body and spirit)


Read about the benefits of Yoni Vaginal Massage

Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the vagina. Sexual organs play a major role in our physical, emotional and spiritual health and when our sexual organs are subject to blockages due to toxins we reduce our capacity to create and move our sexual energy (Chi, Prana, Life force) throughout our body which is required for our self-healing mechanism.

Benefits of the Yoni Vaginal Massage



  1. Yoni massage helps break down the blockages and to release toxins to increase blood flow to sexual organs.
  2. Increased blood flow helps to release more hormones easily, to help stimulate both sexual and brain functioning
  3. Healthy hormonal balance help us with protection against many health related problems such as
    1. Memory loss
    2. Back pain
    3. Poor circulation
    4. Decreased libido
    5. Menopause
    6. Helps to release past trauma and emotions held in sexual organs, increasing the orgasmic potential
    7. Helps with other problems such as
      1. Impotence
      2. Difficult urination
      3. Painful menstruation
      4. Painful intercourse
      5. Lower back pain
      6. Body alignment and bad posture
      7. Strengthening pelvic flow muscles
      8. Vitality
      9. Helps with Female Ejaculation (Amrita), which helps women to release negative stagnant emotions
      10. Ability to become sexually aroused more quickly and fully and to experience full body orgasms through sexual intercourse
      11. To become independent of your own orgasms and empowerment

Many women have suffered sexual abuse in their childhood which they can’t even remember due to dissociation during a frozen state at the time of the abuse. These traumas are the ones that create the deepest blocks reducing the orgasmic capacity. Yoni massage helps to release these traumas and emotions to make you free.

Initial Yoni massage will be the most traumatic due to the vulnerability, but the subsequent sessions get much easier as you being to peel off layers of negative emotions in the Yoni and beginning to feel deep pleasure and full body multi orgasms that you never experienced before. What most women experience is the clitoral orgasms which is very limited in terms of pleasure comparatively to G spot and A spot orgasms which runs through your body with limitless waves of orgasms that you would feel in your head transforming all negative energies in the pathway into positivity. Female ejaculations will be measured in cupful’s, soaking the towels feeling ecstasy beyond imagination.

Pleasure aspects of the yoni massage is only a tiny part of the transformation. I have seen women blossom as a powerful, creative woman developing their career, with good health and happiness with improved relationships and being able to find their ideal partner and getting rid of most of the sexual dysfunctions and disorders and many illnesses they suffered for many years. Above all you will feel younger after each session due to rejuvenating every cell in your body

Yoni massage is not a quick fix. It’s a slow journey with lots of patience and commitment.

Click here for further information on Tantric massage London