Heal your mind and body with Mal Weerarantne | Tantric Journey
Start your tantric journey by first beginning to understand the connection between sacred sensuality and nature’s unique ability to provide healing to the body through balance and therapeutic body work. To do this, a person would need to develop first an intellectual understanding of sacred sensuality and then allow it to deepen into a heart-centred knowing that human beings are essentially born free and so too should they life free. A tantric journey begins when you begin to investigate the roots of tantra and the pioneering works of Mal Weerarantne which focusing on helping men and women to improve aspects of their lives and begin to live a life that resonates with them as they embark on the path to empowering themselves.
While Mal Weeraratne himself exudes passion for his life’s work, which is a practical and compassionate approach to healing the body-mind connection through sacred sensuality, the basis of his teachings stem from the ancient Indian healing arts associated with emotional release. So as the body can find a physical release through tantra, so too can it find an emotional release. Research shows that the release of negative emotions can occur when Sacred Spot massage is performed, releasing, renewing and cleansing the body. Despite the abundance of research by scientists and spiritual guru’s alike, the benefits of tantric healing and the art of tantra comes under the firing line of questions about how and why it is so effective. The efficacy and the healing ability has been experiencing and report by thousands who have come to the tantric journey in search of a more meaningful body-mind connection. Those who have experienced the emotional detox for themselves, attest to the powerful healing experiences they have felt first hand.
Mal Weeraratne explains that the body mind connection is the understanding of how the thoughts can affect the physical body at a cellular level. Thoughts can disrupt the body’s innate ability to produce hormones, chemicals and energy, which regulates a person’s health and well-being. Negative thoughts are particularly powerful in that can be responsible for disease in the body and mind. Engaging with tantric practices, facilitates the body with the releasing of the negative thoughts and emotions, bring the body back into balance as well as bring awareness to the mind of the powerful impact of positivity can have on the physical. In light of the sensitivity of the tantric journey and the power of the sacred sensuality, treatment with Mal Weeraratne is progressive. As the client and the practitioner become connected, first through talk therapy, followed later by body work such as mediation and massage, the client-practitioner relationship, based on respect and understanding, develops and builds to the point where an emotional release can be achieved. On-going therapy of this nature has been proven to sustain an improved outlook and safeguards against developing illness and disease of both body and mind. This, partnered with a healthy awareness of the emotional and physical aspects of sacred sensuality, has the capacity to strengthen physical and emotional relationships, alleviating emotional blockages and reducing risk of disease associated with imbalances and blockages.
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