Heal your mind and body with Mal Weerarantne | Tantric Journey
Start your tantric journey by first beginning to understand the connection between sacred sensuality and nature’s unique ability to provide healing to the body through balance and therapeutic body work. To do this, a person would need to develop first an intellectual understanding of sacred sensuality and then allow it to deepen into a heart-centred knowing that human beings are essentially born free and so too should they life free. A tantric journey begins when you begin to investigate the roots of tantra and the pioneering works of Mal Weerarantne which focusing on helping men and women to improve aspects of their lives and begin to live a life that resonates with them as they embark on the path to empowering themselves.
While Mal Weeraratne himself exudes passion for his life’s work, which is a practical and compassionate approach to healing the body-mind connection through sacred sensuality, the basis of his teachings stem from the ancient Indian healing arts associated with emotional release. So as the body can find a physical release through tantra, so too can it find an emotional release. Research shows that the release of negative emotions can occur when Sacred Spot massage is performed, releasing, renewing and cleansing the body. Despite the abundance of research by scientists and spiritual guru’s alike, the benefits of tantric healing and the art of tantra comes under the firing line of questions about how and why it is so effective. The efficacy and the healing ability has been experiencing and report by thousands who have come to the tantric journey in search of a more meaningful body-mind connection. Those who have experienced the emotional detox for themselves, attest to the powerful healing experiences they have felt first hand.
Mal Weeraratne explains that the body mind connection is the understanding of how the thoughts can affect the physical body at a cellular level. Thoughts can disrupt the body’s innate ability to produce hormones, chemicals and energy, which regulates a person’s health and well-being. Negative thoughts are particularly powerful in that can be responsible for disease in the body and mind. Engaging with tantric practices, facilitates the body with the releasing of the negative thoughts and emotions, bring the body back into balance as well as bring awareness to the mind of the powerful impact of positivity can have on the physical. In light of the sensitivity of the tantric journey and the power of the sacred sensuality, treatment with Mal Weeraratne is progressive. As the client and the practitioner become connected, first through talk therapy, followed later by body work such as mediation and massage, the client-practitioner relationship, based on respect and understanding, develops and builds to the point where an emotional release can be achieved. On-going therapy of this nature has been proven to sustain an improved outlook and safeguards against developing illness and disease of both body and mind. This, partnered with a healthy awareness of the emotional and physical aspects of sacred sensuality, has the capacity to strengthen physical and emotional relationships, alleviating emotional blockages and reducing risk of disease associated with imbalances and blockages.
Meet Mal Weeraratne – a discreet, professional Tantra specialist that works with intimacy
It has been a long time since a new technique has made such impressive improvements to health and well-being, earning the praise of all who have tried its unique healing ability. A system which incorporates the ancient understanding of the eastern cultures and skilfully blends these with modern day insights to produce one of the most effective means of healing on the deepest levels within the body. Emotional detox through bodywork is just that and promises to provide a new path to insight and awareness, never before realised. The work of Mal Weeraratne has been lauded as a must for anyone looking to delve into their own personal emotional depths and discover what is lying underneath their surface.
When working on this unconscious level with the knowledge that Mal Weeraratne has of the body and the meaning behind the ailments we experience in our personal lives, one can experience the immense benefits of the skills and expertise that he brings to the practice. Developed by Mal Weeraratne and explained in more detail in his well-known book, Emotional Detox through Bodywork, the concept is simple and 100% natural. Therapy sessions can be conducted in person with Mal Weeraratne for those who would like to experience the deep levels of healing that is attainable, for themselves.
This Emotional detox system can help with the healing of ailments which are emotional or physical. It is explained that our emotions are the route of all imbalances in the body and that as a result, the body manifests pains and illness or emotional anxieties as its way of showing the conscious you, that there is something that needs to be worked on. Bringing balance to your system is the quickest way to reduce the physical symptoms of these imbalances, some of which have settled deep in the body for decades, carried with us through our lives and waiting for the moment to reveal themselves to the mind. Emotional detoxing can support the body in releasing that which has been holding us back from living the healthiest, most productive versions of our lives.
Allowing the mind and body to relax and re-tune themselves to their natural state of being can help alleviate the symptoms of depression, addictions, low self esteem and lack of self confidence resulting in a lack of libido and can have amazing effects on many issues relating to the body’s ability to regulate its reproductive system, physical, chemical and emotional. Dysfunctions that are associated with the body’s natural needs and desires are addressed head on with this easy to experience practice. Having had so much success with the techniques used, there are hundred of delighted customers who use the practice intermittently or regularly, to keep themselves in the best physical state of mind and body possible.
Clearing blockages caused by memories and beliefs that the body carries, can free the body of discomfort and bring about a feeling of content, some thing which some of us have long forgotten as is a normal state of being for the body-mind! Find your equilibrium and receive healing, bliss and inner transformation.
Mal Weeraratne founded Tantric Journey – School of Healing and Awakening
Letting go of the past with Mal Weeraratne
Mal Weeraratne masters in the art of Emotional Detox through Bodywork. What is Emotional Detox through Bodywork? It is ancient alternative therapy to heal someone inside out through the concept of mind-body connection and cellular memory.
Mal’s healing technique became so profound that he founded Tantric Journey - School of Healing and Awakening. And is the British pioneer of Emotional Detox through Tantra & Tao Bodywork; a healing methodology where many around the world travel to learn.
Mal Weeraratne released his book Emotional Detox through Bodywork to the public to create awareness about how many illnesses can be treatment with his therapy alone and not rely harmful chemical medications. Medications have properties that alter the chemical system in our body affecting our pH balance that affects many biological aspects of the human body. An imbalanced pH system affects the hormonal system, the nervous system, the respiraty system, the energy system and so on.
The book was released in May 2016 and is growing interest among the alternative therapy circle. The book entails the science of Emotional Detox through Bodywork, his expertise as a Bodywork healer for almost two decades and his techniques. Mainly the book showcases the importance of emotional healing which is the root of all healings.
Pseudoscience has earned quite a bit of recognition with the rise of researches on emotions affecting physical health. There are various methods to prove many ancient traditional healing such as GDV machine that is able to calculate the gas exchange within the body and external body that helps to identify any possible illnesses that is lying dormant within an individual. Despite the unconventional methodology of Emotional Detox through Bodywork that is often criticized there is ample information and data to validate and solidify the healing model created by Mal Weeraratne.
Mal’s alternative therapy has gained quite a momentum that it reverberates into Thailand; Mal takes Tantric Journey on an annual Emotional Detox retreat to Tao Gardens in Chiang Mai. This year Mal along with Tantric Journey celebrates Christmas at the Thailand Tantra retreat in December 2016.
Mal Weeraratne has always had the innate gift to heal with his massages. His natural inclination has always been to help and heal people. The ability to learn new massage techniques and the undying thirst to understand healing in depth has driven him to achieve an amazing bank of knowledge of healing that surprises anyone who meets him.
Mal Weeraratne soothing nature sets anyone who meets him into ease. Most of his clients have never tried anything ‘extreme’ and have had very little knowledge on the subject of emotional healing. Despite the therapy’s controversial nature 99 percent of Mal’s clients leave his therapy happy and relieved of their life’s burden. Mal Weeraratne has encountered a lot of negativity and discrimination in his path to healing lives but the miraculous attributes of his therapy has rung such strong effects that many seek Emotional Detox through Bodywork mainly through word of mouth. Emotional Detox through Bodywork has given light to the lives of over 3000 women globally for a period of two decades.
Mal and Emotional Detox through Bodywork can change the healing model universally.