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Mal Weeraratne is the author of ‘Emotional Detox – through bodywork

Mal Weeraratne is the author of ‘Emotional Detox – through bodywork’ a unique self-help guide to releasing stagnant, negative emotions using Tantric and Tao techniques. Mal Weeraratne has treated thousands of clients and has been teaching his pioneering techniques and imparting his vast knowledge of Tantra for years, but now he offers a chance to welcome a new you into 2018 with this unique group retreat exploring Tantric – Tao bodywork for emotional wellbeing.

This unique course is taught by Mal Weeraratne himself with aid of assistants that have qualified through Tantric Journey’s Practitioner training academy.

This course offered by Mal Weeraratne is ideal for couples and individuals and the week-long training also includes dance, mantras, breath work and tantric rituals to help unblock stuck emotions and enhance relationships, in the beautiful, relaxing environment of Tao Gardens, in Thailand. No previous experience of bodywork is required. There will also be a cacao ceremony and dance on the final evening (New Year’s Eve).

The course leader, Mal Weeraratne, is a certified Tantra Educator and founder of Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening in the UK and is a British pioneer of Emotional release through bodywork, with over 20 years of experience, treating over 3000 clients from all walks of life from the UK, USA, Europe and Asia.  Mal offers training in the UK and around Europe and being trained by Mal Weeraratne will ensure you gain a deep and meaningful understanding of both the practical and theoretical techniques of Emotional Detox through bodywork.


Mal Weeraratne is a world authority on Tantra and emotional release techniques

When Mal Weeraratne started studying the field of human emotional release techniques over twenty years ago he could not have envisaged the success that his London clinic and school would be enjoying today.

Mal Weeraratne is a world authority on Tantra and emotional release techniques through bodywork.  Mal works mainly from his London clinic although he also runs a series of successful training courses from the prestigious Tao Gardens, in Thailand.

Mal Weeraratne is a British Pioneer in the area of Emotional Detox through Tantra – Bodywork, having studied in various accredited institutes under pioneers and experts earning him the accolade of being the first Certified Tantra Educator in the UK, from Source School of Tantra, U.S.A. Mal Weeraratne has worked in the field of Emotional Detox since 1994, and has treated over 3000 from all walks of life spanning across U.S, Europe, U.K and U.S.A. He has received thousands of grateful testimonies’ from clients that have been able to re-build their lives as a result of Mal Weerararatne’s powerful and effective emotional release techniques called Tantric Journey.

Mal Weeraratne teaches women how to take control of their sexual energy within their bodies to remove trauma stored in the form of emotions using ancient knowledge and practices that are combined with new ground breaking insights to create an engineered trauma release technique called Tantric – Bodywork for Emotional Detox.  The Tantric Bodywork that Mal Weeraratne offers is performed to heal past trauma such as sexual, physical and psychological abuse that is stored within the body’s cellular memory. It is in order to change the body’s balance from negative to positive to attract positive emotions, positive thoughts, positive decisions and positive experiences to feel joy and happiness.

When interviewed about his work, Mal Weeraratne ha stated that his emotional detox technique called Tantric Journey allows men and women to ‘’start living a blissful and meaningful life again that is free from the weight of past, negative trauma’’.


Mal Weeraratne is a Tantra Master and founder of Tantric Journey

Mal Weeraratne is a Tantra Master and a pioneering holistic treatment program that incorporates Tantric and Tao bodywork techniques alongside other recognised holistic modalities and emotional release techniques.

The aim of Mal Weeraratne unique treatment is aiding people to gain release from negative trauma in order to overcome a range of physical, sexual and emotional difficulties including depression, sexual dysfunction, menopausal problems, Vaginismus, addictions, past trauma and low self-esteem.

Mal Weeraratne is dedicated to his work in the field of emotional release through bodywork and is committed to increasing awareness of work and techniques in this field. He has travelled the world to further his knowledge of the field of human sexuality and emotional release and he has treated thousands of clients from around the world.


As a certified Tantra Educator, founder of Tantric Journey – School of Healing and Awakening and author of Emotional Detox through bodywork Mal Weeraratneknowledge of emotional release and Tantra is outstanding. What Mal Weeraratne has created in Tantric Journey is a powerful and transformative therapy that is capable of releasing trauma at a cellular level within the body aiding emotional and physical recovery.



Mal Weeraratne – author of Emotional Detox through Bodywork- talks about the true meaning of Tantra.

‘No examination of the art of Tantra would be complete without first examining its history’, writes Mal Weeraratne in his fascinating book ‘Emotional Detox – through Bodywork.  In a chapter entitled, ‘ Ancient Practice, Modern Uses’, Mal Weeraratne goes on to explain that ‘Tantra started over 5,000 years ago in India.  From India it went to china and they call it Tao’.

Mal explains that Tantra was originally practised as a path to enlightenment through sensual energy called Prana. This is very powerful and when circulated around the body leads to a positive, energised state; indeed it invigorates the entire body. Harnessing sexual energy is a very powerful technique that is an essential tantric technique; and as Mal describes, ‘familiarity with Tantra can help a person enjoy life to the fullest’; this is because harnessing sexual energy rejuvenates and improves physiological, emotional, psychological and spiritual health.

Tantric Journey- School of Healing and Awakening was founded by Mal Weeraratne in London as a result of Mal’s development of a unique and pioneering treatment method that combines, Tantra, Tao bodywork along with specialised trauma release methods that are capable of releasing trauma at cellular level in the body. Mal Weeraratne is considered a pioneer in the field of emotional detox through bodywork and has treated thousands of clients from around the world with his unique treatment method:  Tantric Journey.

Mal Weeraratne works as both a therapist and teacher from his Tantric Temple in Hammersmith, London, but also teaches at Tao Gardens in Thailand. During his training sessions Mal has witnessed many positive transformations, but for those who cannot attend one of his courses his book is an excellent self-help guide, in which Mal reveals how all women are capable of experiencing emotional freedom and ecstatic bliss, the book covers everything from information on understanding how the female body may be activated to deepen ecstatic states; yoni massage, detox diet; strengthening the pelvic floor, negative emotions, healthy orgasm, healthy male ejaculation and so much more.

Emotional Detox through bodywork is packed with practical advice and tips and readers will learn emotional trauma can block pleasure and cause disease; the difference between soft penetration and deep sustained penetration, including how to avoid premature male ejaculation; the secrets and history of female ejaculation; techniques for awakening and yoni massage; and will come to understand how emotional trauma can block pleasure and cause disease. The book is an excellent starting point for those who wish to improve their health and well-being or wish to understand how negative emotions are stored within the body.

For those who wish to seek professional help to release negative emotions and experience full release /emotional freedom from stagnant negative emotions then a session with Mal or one of his fully qualified Tantric Journey therapists is recommended. Mal Weeraratne has over twenty years experience in his field and offers one-to-one therapy sessions, 7 days per week in London, via appointment.



Who is Mal Weeraratne?

Mal Weeraratne is the founder of Tantric Journey – school of healing and awakening and the author of ‘Emotional Detox – through bodywork’. He has had a long-standing commitment to educating people on subject of his pioneering techniques in emotional detox and unique insights into the field of human sexuality.

Having studied at the International Centre for Release in California under Dr Jack Painter, he then went on to study at Source School of Tantra in Hawaii under the training of Charles and Carolin Muir, gaining him the accolade of becoming the first advanced, certified Tantra educator in the UK from this prestigious school. Whilst his qualifications in this field are impressive, it is his continuous dedication to understanding this field and developing pioneering techniques to aid full emotional detox through tantric and tao bodywork that are the real mark of his success and have seen him treating thousands of women from around the globe.

At his school: Tantric Journey, based in London, Mal Weeraratne offers a comprehensive range of teaching courses and events for those seeking to understand more about Tantra, those seeking to become Tantra Teachers, therapists or those simply wishing to add skills to their existing ones in healing.

In addition to teaching at his London Tantra Temple, Mal Weeraratne also offers treatments and training at the esteemed Tao Gardens in London. His last course in December 2016 attracted over seventy students and already his next course is seeing a flurry of enquiries and enrolments’. In the tranquil setting ofTao Gardens Mal offers his students the opportunity to explore the deep healing powers of Tantric and Tao bodywork through the techniques of Tantric Journey. As with all of his courses students are invited to learn the theory and practical skills and to experience first-hand the benefits of emotional detox through bodywork.

Mal Weeraratne courses are run throughout the year and he also offers taster evenings monthly for those who want to learn more about his work before committing to a full training course, more information can be found on his website Typically Mal’s students come from a variety of walks of life, ages and include men, women and couples.

Before embarking on a course of training or retreat, you could always nestle down with a copy of Mal’s book, ‘Emotional Detox, through Bodywork’ which is a self-help guide that gives practical tips for self-healing and a greater understanding of his work.


Who is Mal Weeraratne ?

My Truth - Mal Weeraratne 

Bodywork is a therapy that can be misunderstood and treatments can go wrong due to a lack of understanding of treatment processes and through trauma transference and projections.

When releasing stagnant negative emotions through bodywork the client and therapist are both placed in a vulnerable position.

Through bodywork the client effectively heals themselves through the presence and direction of an experienced therapist. The therapist is a catalyst and guide for the release of trauma, working on trigger points to aid the accessing and eventual release of negative emotions. Before the emotions can be released they must be accessed and fully felt in the clients body, this may lead to her feeling sad, angry, despairing and vulnerable etc. This is all part of the process of emotional detox through bodywork, but because the client is experiencing ‘emotional pain’ it is possible for them to feel abused due to their emotional turmoil and vulnerability or to transfer the blame for their negative feelings on to the therapist; in short a therapist’s intentions can be misconstrued and they can also become scapegoat for negative emotional experiences that occur during treatment.

Performing bodywork on someone who is suffering emotional trauma and emotionally detoxing can be likened to cracking an eggshell. To someone going through this process the act of having their body touched in the course of treatment can be incredibly painful and damaging as the outer body is not strong enough to hold onto the emotions in response to deep bodywork. It is at this stage that trauma transference can occur and a client can come to blame the therapist for the terrible emotional upset they feel and sometimes become confused about the intentions of the therapist, especially if the client has experienced abuse as the negative emotions connected with this will surface.

It is essential that therapists are fully aware of the emotions that they may experience after a treatment and that the therapist is fully supportive during and after a therapy session, so that a client can complete her emotion process cycle in a safe and supportive environment without the need to explain or quantify her feelings.

About Mal

Mal Weeraratne is the founder of Tantric Journey. If you wanted to give Mal a job title than it would be fair to describe him as a Tantra therapist and instructor, but what he actually does is perform remarkable emotional transformation work, entitled emotional detox through bodywork.

Being a specialist in the field of female sexual dysfunction, he works as a trained tantric therapist, helping women to overcome their physical and emotional difficulties through the medium of deeply healing bodywork which facilitates emotional release.

Through his Tantric Journey work Mal Weeraratne has helped to release thousands of women from their negative emotional blockages and open a new gateway of orgasmic potential and emotional liberation.

He has treated clients from around the globe, aiding them to overcome conditions including sexual dysfunction, insomnia, inability to achieve orgasm, low self esteem, stresses, body aches and vagainism.  His work has also improved the personal relationships of many of his clients; aiding intimacy with their partners and even aiding them in successfully finding partners whilst increasing their ablity to experience ecstatic bliss in all areas of their life.

Mal’s understanding and experience in the field of Tantra is highly commendable. He has studied at various accredited institutions around the world and was the first certified Tantra Educator in theUK  from Source School of Tantra in theUSA.  To date he has treated well over three thousand clients and his treatment method of emotional release through bodywork (termed Tantric Journey work) is truly groundbreaking and makes him a pioneer in the field of bodywork and female sexuality.



Mal Weeraratne founded Tantric Journey – School of Healing and Awakening

Letting go of the past with Mal Weeraratne

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Mal Weeraratne masters in the art of Emotional Detox through Bodywork. What is Emotional Detox through Bodywork? It is ancient alternative therapy to heal someone inside out through the concept of mind-body connection and cellular memory.

Mal’s healing technique became so profound that he founded Tantric Journey - School of Healing and Awakening. And is the British pioneer of Emotional Detox through Tantra & Tao Bodywork; a healing methodology where many around the world travel to learn.

Mal Weeraratne released his book Emotional Detox through Bodywork to the public to create awareness about how many illnesses can be treatment with his therapy alone and not rely harmful chemical medications. Medications have properties that alter the chemical system in our body affecting our pH balance that affects many biological aspects of the human body. An imbalanced pH system affects the hormonal system, the nervous system, the respiraty system, the energy system and so on.

The book was released in May 2016 and is growing interest among the alternative therapy circle. The book entails the science of Emotional Detox through Bodywork, his expertise as a Bodywork healer for almost two decades and his techniques. Mainly the book showcases the importance of emotional healing which is the root of all healings.

Pseudoscience has earned quite a bit of recognition with the rise of researches on emotions affecting physical health. There are various methods to prove many ancient traditional healing such as GDV machine that is able to calculate the gas exchange within the body and external body that helps to identify any possible illnesses that is lying dormant within an individual. Despite the unconventional methodology of Emotional Detox through Bodywork that is often criticized there is ample information and data to validate and solidify the healing model created by Mal Weeraratne.

Mal’s alternative therapy has gained quite a momentum that it reverberates into Thailand; Mal takes Tantric Journey on an annual Emotional Detox retreat to Tao Gardens in Chiang Mai. This year Mal along with Tantric Journey celebrates Christmas at the Thailand Tantra retreat in December 2016.

Mal Weeraratne has always had the innate gift to heal with his massages. His natural inclination has always been to help and heal people. The ability to learn new massage techniques and the undying thirst to understand healing in depth has driven him to achieve an amazing bank of knowledge of healing that surprises anyone who meets him.

Mal Weeraratne soothing nature sets anyone who meets him into ease. Most of his clients have never tried anything ‘extreme’ and have had very little knowledge on the subject of emotional healing. Despite the therapy’s controversial nature 99 percent of Mal’s clients leave his therapy happy and relieved of their life’s burden. Mal Weeraratne has encountered a lot of negativity and discrimination in his path to healing lives but the miraculous attributes of his therapy has rung such strong effects that many seek Emotional Detox through Bodywork mainly through word of mouth. Emotional Detox through Bodywork has given light to the lives of over 3000 women globally for a period of two decades.

Mal and Emotional Detox through Bodywork can change the healing model universally.


Heal your mind and body

Have you ever wanted ultimate control over your mind and body? Tantric Journey teaches the body and mind to self-heal, self-develop and to master the skills of achieving a full body extended Multi Orgasmic Response (MORE), instead of a localised genital release, putting the woman in charge of her own sexuality. This treatment gives the client ultimate control of the pace and focus of the healing.

Who is the mastermind behind Tantric Journey? Mal Weeraratne is the Founder of Tantric Journey and has worked in the field of Human Sexuality since 1994. He is a skilled and qualified holistic practitioner and over the past twenty years he has learnt the following massage modalities and other therapies from all over the world, being trained in:

Holistic Body Therapy; Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Hawaiian Lomi-Lomi Massage, Swedish Massage, Shiatsu, Thai Massage, Tantric Healing Massage, Pelvic-Heart Integration, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Sacred Spot Massage and Yoni Healing, Kahuna, Emotional and Physical Release Massage, Spiritual Hot Rock Massage, Journey Therapy, Aspects of Counselling, Yoga Stretches, Breath work, Toning (with sounds), Chin Nei Tsang Massage (Abdominal massage), Karasi Nei Tsang (genital therapeutic massage)


How can Mal Weeraratne help improve your life

Have you ever had a sexual dysfunction problem that is your secret? That you feel you can’t share with anyone and yet you desperately would like to get some help, well help in a phone call away with Mal Weeraratne . Take control of your life again and begin this journey with the man who is a British Pioneer in the Area of Emotional Release through bodywork, Mal Weeraratne has studied in various accredited institutes under pioneers & experts earning him the accolade of being the first Certified Tantra Educator in the UK. Read what to expect from your Tantric journey:

Tantric Journey

The deep bodywork that l carry out in a Tantric Journey healing session will help to dissolve negative thoughts, feelings, issues and blocks and will create sufficient positive energies that will spread throughout your body to heal every cell.

This treatment gives the client ultimate control of the pace and focus of the healing. Tantric Journey teaches the body and mind to self-heal, self-develop and to master the skills of achieving a full body, extended Multi Orgasmic Response (MORE), instead of a localised genital release, putting the woman in charge of her own sexuality, instead of depending on a man, woman or even a vibrator
What to Expect if You Come for a Treatment with Mal Weeraratne

After removing your shoes you will be brought into my Tantric Journey Temple, filled with statues of Buddha, Gods and Goddesses such as Shiva, Shakti, Ganesh and Tara, dim tranquil lighting with candles and incense surrounded with a touch of ethnic ancient music. This is a place of calm and relaxation where there is no agenda or expectations. A sacred space to be in, to be fully present and who will be able to live in your own truth, with no judgement.  You may have lived a lie all your life to satisfy your environment, culture, religion, friends, relationships, relatives, work colleagues and neighbours making you totally disconnected to be someone else. It’s a place to find yourself, to be connected and It is a time to chat about your massage experiences, expectations, medical history, lifestyle and personal boundaries, likes and dislikes.

I will give you a brief history of myself and I am happy to answer any questions you may have. It is paramount for me that you are comfortable and feel at ease with me and the therapy you are about to experience.

Tantric Journey begins with four key practices:

•          Deep breathing with attention
•          Movement with feelings
•          Chanting with expression of emotions
•          Tantric massage to remove negative imprints

A detailed list of the treatment procedure Treatment Card will be given and a consent form will need to be signed prior to the treatment. Sessions take between 3 hours up to half a day depending on the needs of the individual client.