Mal Weeraratne founded Tantric Journey – School of Healing and Awakening
Letting go of the past with Mal Weeraratne
Mal Weeraratne masters in the art of Emotional Detox through Bodywork. What is Emotional Detox through Bodywork? It is ancient alternative therapy to heal someone inside out through the concept of mind-body connection and cellular memory.
Mal’s healing technique became so profound that he founded Tantric Journey - School of Healing and Awakening. And is the British pioneer of Emotional Detox through Tantra & Tao Bodywork; a healing methodology where many around the world travel to learn.
Mal Weeraratne released his book Emotional Detox through Bodywork to the public to create awareness about how many illnesses can be treatment with his therapy alone and not rely harmful chemical medications. Medications have properties that alter the chemical system in our body affecting our pH balance that affects many biological aspects of the human body. An imbalanced pH system affects the hormonal system, the nervous system, the respiraty system, the energy system and so on.
The book was released in May 2016 and is growing interest among the alternative therapy circle. The book entails the science of Emotional Detox through Bodywork, his expertise as a Bodywork healer for almost two decades and his techniques. Mainly the book showcases the importance of emotional healing which is the root of all healings.
Pseudoscience has earned quite a bit of recognition with the rise of researches on emotions affecting physical health. There are various methods to prove many ancient traditional healing such as GDV machine that is able to calculate the gas exchange within the body and external body that helps to identify any possible illnesses that is lying dormant within an individual. Despite the unconventional methodology of Emotional Detox through Bodywork that is often criticized there is ample information and data to validate and solidify the healing model created by Mal Weeraratne.
Mal’s alternative therapy has gained quite a momentum that it reverberates into Thailand; Mal takes Tantric Journey on an annual Emotional Detox retreat to Tao Gardens in Chiang Mai. This year Mal along with Tantric Journey celebrates Christmas at the Thailand Tantra retreat in December 2016.
Mal Weeraratne has always had the innate gift to heal with his massages. His natural inclination has always been to help and heal people. The ability to learn new massage techniques and the undying thirst to understand healing in depth has driven him to achieve an amazing bank of knowledge of healing that surprises anyone who meets him.
Mal Weeraratne soothing nature sets anyone who meets him into ease. Most of his clients have never tried anything ‘extreme’ and have had very little knowledge on the subject of emotional healing. Despite the therapy’s controversial nature 99 percent of Mal’s clients leave his therapy happy and relieved of their life’s burden. Mal Weeraratne has encountered a lot of negativity and discrimination in his path to healing lives but the miraculous attributes of his therapy has rung such strong effects that many seek Emotional Detox through Bodywork mainly through word of mouth. Emotional Detox through Bodywork has given light to the lives of over 3000 women globally for a period of two decades.
Mal and Emotional Detox through Bodywork can change the healing model universally.
Mal Weeraratne will help heal from trauma of the past
Trauma Transference Syndrome is a condition first recognised by Mal Weeraratne, an internationally recognised healer qualified in Tantric healing and emotional release through bodywork. Mal Weeraratne has treated thousands of clients and has spent several decades learning and researching the effects that trauma takes on the body, the results of his findings culminated in his founding of Trauma Transference Syndrome.
A traumatic experience impacts on an entire person. The way we think, the way we learn, the way we remember things, the way we feel about ourselves, the way we feel about other people, and the way we make sense of the world are all profoundly altered by traumatic experiences, which is why it is so important that trauma and the resulting emotions are dealt with and that a victim of trauma is helped to process the experience. If trauma is not process the powerful images, feelings, and sensations do not just ‘go away’ instead they are deeply imprinted and are stored in the body’s cellular memory.
The following illustration is a map how emotions are stored in the body. (Bodily maps of emotions by Lauri Nummenmaa, Enrico Glerean, Riitta Hari, and Jari K. Hietanen)
The active memories of the trauma remains ‘locked’ in the system causing blockages until a ‘trigger’ occurs. When a trigger that allows the victim to access the trauma presents itself, in suffers of Trauma Transference Syndrome the real cause of the original trauma is not recognised and is instead transferred to the new stimuli or trigger, for example if a therapist treats a client who is storing trauma in his/her body and acts as the trigger for releasing this trauma the client will assign the blame for the trauma to the therapist who has helped them access the trauma.
In order to understand Trauma Transference Syndrome it is necessary to understand how trauma enters the body during a traumatic event and how it is stored within the body as well as the effects that this stored trauma has on the victim. Also how the trauma can be accessed and transferred if not treated.
Why does Trauma Transference Syndrome Occur?
Trauma Transference Syndrome occurs when a past trauma such as sexual abuse has been engraved into the cellular memory and has not been dealt with. It is now recognised that victims of abuse such as rape and sexual abuse suffer from a form of post-traumatic stress. The signs of this trauma scarring are not generally outwardly visible, the memory has been supressed in the mind, but the powerful images, feelings, and sensations do not just “go away” once the danger of attack has passed. These memories are deeply imprinted, more strongly than normal everyday memories and often shards of the trauma occur from time to time manifesting in feelings of anger, rage, sadness, mistrust, fear, shame, loneliness, abandonment.
Mal Weeraratne will help you with whatever trauma you have faced especially if you suffer Trauma Transference Syndrome.
Explore and learn about the true “Art of Healing’
Teachers Tantric Training Courses / Workshops - Journey School of Sexual Healing and Awakening Massage Techniques
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Professional Tantric Teachers Deep Bodywork Course – May - 16 spaces left
Price: £990 - From: 10-05-2014 to 17-05-2014
Professional Tantric Teachers Deep Bodywork Course – June - 16 spaces left
Price: £990 - From: 09-06-2014 to 16-06-2014
Professional Tantric Teachers Deep Bodywork Course – July - 16 spaces left
Price: £990 - From: 11-07-2014 to 18-07-2014
Professional Tantric Teachers Deep Bodywork Course – September - 16 spaces left
Price: £990 - From: 04-09-2014 to 11-09-2014
Professional Tantric Teachers Deep Bodywork Course – October - 16 spaces left
Price: £990 - From: 03-10-2014 to 10-10-2014
Professional Tantric Teachers Deep Bodywork Course – November - 16 spaces left
Price: £990 - From: 14-11-2014 to 21-11-2014
Professional Tantric Teachers Deep Bodywork Course – December - 16 spaces left
Price: £990 - From: 12-12-2014 to 19-12-2014